Donations: If you would like to assist us in this work with donations, please use the address provided below: Christendom Restoration Society Attn: Joseph-Henri Fradet 820 Mabry Road, NE Sandy Springs, GA 30328 |
Developing Your Sensus Catholicus
Featuring Abbé Laurent Demets, FSSP and Raymond de Souza
Date: Thursday, July 7, 2011 Proper Formation of Conscience Abbé Demets will present a brief overview of what a conscience is and how it is properly formed both from natural and supernatural sources of objective truth. There is such a thing as culpable ignorance; therefore one does have a positive moral obligation to form a good (well formed) conscience. Abbé Demets will reveal the proper interior disposition necessary to form a good conscience and give us both practical and spiritual pointers on how to develop our consciences, a life long endeavor. The Dictatorship of Relativism Raymond de Souza’s presentation will be on “Relativism” which was denounced by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger at the Mass of the Conclave that elected him Pope. Relativism states that everyone makes his own truth. Quite contrary to the popular slogan “We report, You Decide,” Raymond argues to prove that truth is objective, not subjective. One's opinions do not change reality. This talk is a must for everyone who wants to clarify concepts and defend the Catholic Faith with persuasion and logic. Itinerary:
St. Pio da Pietrelcina Latin Mass Community, Northern Arkansas
Raymond de Souza
Admission: Christendom Restoration Society would like to avoid charging an admission. Our estimated expenses will be around $1,500 not including dinner, and not including overhead expenses. We are going to experiment with a custom I first encountered at Abbé Demets' parish in Arkansas some years ago, that is - to leave a basket for donations and near the closing of the event, if there's a shortfall, the basket is passed again ... once or twice :-) We ask everyone to please be generous and if you're so moved, sacrificial. Thank you! ABOUT OUR SPEAKERS
![]() Abbé Laurent Demets, FSSP was born in Strasbourg, France in 1970. While studying Economics at the University of Dijon, France (1988-1990) he discovered the traditional Latin liturgy of the Church - a life changing experience which brought him back to a regular practice of the faith which he had neglected during his youth. A retreat with the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola completed his conversion. It was at this point that Abbé Demets renounced his military career in order to join first, the Benedictine Abbey of Saint Joseph of Clairval in Burgundy, France. After nine months in the school of Saint Benedict, he finally discerned a vocation to the priesthood and join the Seminary of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter in Wigratzbad, Germany in 1993. Ordained in 2000, Abbé Laurent Demets spent the first three years of his priestly ministry in France, and then was assigned to the North American District of the Fraternity in 2003 serving as Assistant Chaplain at St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church in Mableton, Georgia. In 2007 Abbé Demets was appointed Chaplain of Saint Pio da Pietrelcina Latin Mass Communuty in Northern Arkansas where he still serves today. Visit his blog at Abbé Demets serves on the Board of Advisors for the Christendom Restoration Society.
![]() Raymond De Souza is the founder and director of the international apostolate Saint Gabriel Communications of Australia , South Africa and the United States. It promotes Catholic Apologetics as a major tool for the New Evangelization by putting logic at the service of the Faith. Raymond hosts a series of programs on EWTN, is program director for Human Life International, is Chairman of the Sacred Heart Legion and a member of the Theological Advisory Board of Catholics Come Home, Inc. More recently, he has been appointed Director of the Evangelization and Apologetics Office of the Diocese of Winona Minnesota, USA. Visit Raymond's web site Raymond De Souza serves on the Board of Advisors for the Christendom Restoration Society.
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