The Solemn High Mass will be celebrated by Monsignor Andrew Wadsworth, with Fr. Gregory Pendergraft and Fr. Rhone Lillard of the Fraternity of St. Peter as Deacon and Subdeacon. Various chivalric orders of the Church will participate, and music will be provided by St. Mary’s schola and a polyphonic choir. At the end of Mass there will be an opportunity to venerate the relic of Blessed Karl.
At the reception following the Mass, history professor Dr. Paul Van Wie will share a representative sampling from his vast archive of documents and artifacts about Blessed Karl and his empire. Dr. Van Wie has spent his life collecting original period photographs, rare books, medals, posters, maps, paintings and documents, and will give a lively commentary about the significance of the items he brings.

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St. Mary, Mother of God, Church is located at 727 5th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., 20001, which is the corner of 5th and H Streets, N.W. If you have questions, please contact Suzanne Pearson at 703-524-0411 or send an e-mail to [email protected].