Raymond de Souza, The Sacred Heart Institute, and the Knights of the Sacred Heart Legion of the United States will launch the first issue of "Shield of Faith," a webinar on Catholic Apologetics on Saturday 20 June at 10:00 AM (US Easter Standard Time) Covered in this first issue will be the crucial topic of the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. To register for the webinar please go to the YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2SijClebtsRB5Fih0VfVeQ Click on 'SUBSCRIBE' and on 'SET REMINDER' Please also "LIKE" and "SHARE" their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/knightsofthesacredheartlegion For statistical purposes only, please send a short email with your Christian name, city and country to: [email protected] As the webinar unfolds, attendees will be able to ask questions via email. |
Dear Friends,
You are certainly aware of the current debate in the Church today provoked by anti-family pundits who demand that active homosexuals and the divorced and remarried without annulment be admit to the reception of the Holy Eucharist.
Many Catholics – not only among the laity – are influenced by a false, relativistic understanding of “mercy” and ignore that fact that we must please God before we please men.
There is too much ambiguity in some Catholic circles on this issue, and clarity is sorely needed. Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger said once that “Ambiguity is the mark of the demonic” (‘The Ratzinger Report’, Ignatius Press, p. 150).
In our New Evangelization work to defend the Faith, Life, and Family we often come across situations in which it becomes necessary not only to defend truth but also to refute error.
The great Pope Pius XII taught that, "The Church, ever overflowing with charity and kindness toward those who go astray, but faithful to the word of Her Divine Founder, who said: 'He that is not with me is against me' (Matt. 12:30) could not fail in Her duty of denouncing error and unmasking the sowers of lies. . ."(1)
His predecessor Pius XI expressed the same thought as follows: "The first gift of love of the priest to his milieu, and which is incumbent upon him in the most evident manner, is the gift of serving truth, the whole truth, and to unmask and refute error under all the forms, masks, and disguises in which it is presented."(2)
John Paul II taught that “It is essential to develop a new apologetic for your people, so that they may understand what the Church teaches and thus be able to give reason for their hope (cf. 1 Pt 3:15). For in a world where people are continuously subjected to the cultural and ideological pressure of the media and the aggressively anti-Catholic attitude of many sects, it is essential for Catholics to know what the Church teaches, to understand that teaching, and to experience its liberating power. A lack of understanding leads to a lack of the spiritual energy needed for Christian living and the work of evangelization" (3)
Benedict XVI denounced the “dictatorship of relativism” (4) and Francis echoed him by alerting them to the danger of the "Tyranny of relativism" (5).
Also please forward this blog post to friends who may be interested in the defense of the Faith, Life, and Family, encouraging them
to register and attend the webinar as well. Thank you very much for your cooperation in this new exciting venture of the New Evangelization!
Yours cordially, in the Sacred Heart of Christ the King,
Raymond de Souza, KM
President, Sacred Heart Institute
- Special Missions Coordinator, Human Life International
- Member Board of Advisors, Christendom Restoration Society
(1) (Christmas Radio Message of 1947, "Discorsi e Radiomessagi," Vol. IX, p.393).
(2) (Encyclical "Mit Brennender Sorge" of March 14, 1937. AAS, Vol. XXIX, p. 1 , 63).
(3) (Address to the Bishops of the Antilles, Tuesday, 7 May 2002).
(4) (Homily at the Mass of the Conclave).
(5) (Address to the Diplomatic Corps, March 22, 2013).